Monthly Belonging (Per Quarter)

Must register for each campfire conversation one week prior

For Business leaders:

• Wanting to show-up expressing their point of difference with impact as the person of significance and influence in their space.
• Finding it challenging to seen and heard in the forever-amplifying noise and bot to bot or B2B BS to get people to see them and then buy
• Seeking regular, cutting-edge insight into how to leverage their LinkedIn profile for business development and qualified leads
• Seeking inspiration and an injection of creativity and imagination to help get prospects to your ‘front gate’
• Open to peer and expert feedback on their current marketing assets, branding, tag lines, imagery colours and stunning point of difference
• Who are contributors and who want personal, relevant introductions, referrals and connections

Monthly input:

• LinkedIn updates, recommendations and feedback for business development
• ‘My Most Trusted’ monthly insight
• Human experience journey and surprise & delight suggestions and insights
• Ask me anything branding, imagery, tag lines, creative and contemporary communications, scripting and human to human connection strategies
• Practice telling your story (pitch) and why ‘who you are’ and ‘what you do’
matters now.
• Referrals an recommendations given and received
• Monthly special ‘Support You’ offer. We will do something practical to support you.

This will be fast-paced, intentional, full of value is likely to be nothing like you expect.


Second Thursday of the month. 10.30am-12.30pm Sydney time

Minimum membership 3 months
Payable upfront or in installments or via procuret
Upon joining – Your Hotel Saver Gift card does not expire. Redeemable internationally at 1000s of hotels.
Membership payable quarterly. All payments need to be up to date for campfire attendance.
Campfire conversations monthly except December and January
Campfire conversation attendance capped at 12 guests. (another timeslot added when guests exceed 12)



SKU: monthly-belonging Categories: